Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Let's study the word "learn"

                                                      Learn!     học đi!
                                  to learn - động từ học
                                      learning    việc học- chuyện học hành
                                  a  learner      một học trò
I want to learn.
I stop      learning.
I have a  learner.
I have learned that my learner goes slowly.
I had   learned a little but I understood a bit.
I was   learning  when my learner called me.
I will   learn    how to write stories.
I learned from whom I had loved not whom I was loving.
I have been learning that listening is the most important.
"Learn." I remind my learner. "Học đi" tôi nhắc nhở học trò tôi.
Learning is not joking.  Việc học không phải là chuyện đùa.

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